PPC works

Contextual advertising

A contextual advertisement is one of the main methods of attracting potential customers. With its help you can quickly sell your products and services. That is why it is important to know how contextual advertising works. The fact that now it is in high demand, and many companies are spending solid budgets for its development.

What is contextual advertising

It is worth highlighting the main difference between contextual advertising. It is not the usual advertising, which is shown to absolutely all users. In this case the calculation is based on a particular group of people. Thus, contextual advertising is shown to users who have already asked the appropriate questions. For example, if a person entered in the search box “Buy TV,” he will subsequently see ads that invite him to take this action. Moreover, other users will not see it. And by making their own query, they will see appropriate advertising.

Main features of contextual advertising

The key feature of contextual advertising is that it is shown to a particular user and responds to its specific needs. In this case, it does not use any “dirty” techniques, such as viral and aggressive methods. Contextual advertising does not disturb users and does not distract them from the main thing – to visit the site and read the important information. Because of this, users do not feel the annoyance that alienates them immediately from the goods and services offered.

For the advertiser becomes important that he will not have to pay for displays, and clicks. Therefore, it will have to spend only if the user is actually interested in the services.

Types of PPC

Main advantages of contextual advertising

The main advantages include:

  1. The thrust. Advertising is visible only to those who really need it.
  2. Efficiency. Pay for advertising only if the user has moved on the announcement of the site.
  3. Transparency. Good to see how much advertising is in demand, and what you have to pay for. This allows you to detect possible errors and fix them quickly.
  4. Autonomy. Contextual advertising works effectively without other marketing tools. This reduces the cost of promotion.
  5. Does not cause negativity. As already mentioned, contextual advertising is not intrusive and does not irritate users.

The main disadvantages of contextual advertising

Of course, there are some disadvantages. Among the main ones it is worth highlighting:

  1. The risk of overspending the budget. If you make settings with mistakes, contextual advertising can “go” in the wrong direction. As a result, it will not be shown to the person for whom it was originally intended.
  2. fast cycle. Contextual advertising has to be edited regularly, as well as in time to pay money for its display.

However, it can be seen that the pluses of this method of advertising are much more than the minuses. And with the right approach you can effectively use it to promote your products and services. But it is worth remembering that it is important to have a good understanding of this technology in order to achieve maximum effect.